In the bible, Jacob went to a very specific location to try to hear from God. He fell asleep there and had a dream. In the dream, he saw angels going up and down what looked like a ladder to him. This was a vision of a heavenly portal. Portals can also be demonic. It has been my experience that portals need these seven demons established in order to open. This is a work in progress and I am still experimenting. So far it has worked every time. To close the portal, pray all seven of these release prayers. DO NOT try to cast out a demon in land if you have not personally been cleansed of that issue. For instance, if you have had an abortion, do not try to cast out Jezebel until you are forgiven and free of her in every way. After you pray all 7 prayers, close with this: Lord Jesus, I ask you to close this portal. Please seal it with your blood forever. Amen.
The name of Jezebel is flippantly used against strong women but it isn’t just for women. Jezebel is a horrible manipulating demonic force. Men and women can used by a spirit of Jezebel. People who operate under a spirit of Jezebel are cunning and calculating and sweet and seductive all at the same time. The finest book ever written about Jezebel is Confronting Jezebel by Steve Sampson. He lists over 30 characteristics of the Jezebel spirit. If you feel you may need cleansing of a Jezebel spirit yourself, go through all of the characteristics and repent and renounce (say you do not agree with such actions) each one.
Prayer of Release for the Land:
Jezebel – Verses: Isa. 47, Rev 17&18.
The name Antichrist brings to mind every apocalyptic movie like The Omen from the 70’s. But the spirit of Antichrist is more about being anti-Christ when it comes to land. Being opposed to the true heart of Jesus Christ is what this demon is all about. While the Bible tells us there will be a person who embodies everything this spirit represents in the final days, this presence has been on the earth for the whole time we have been here. When people say churches are more concerned with who they keep out rather than who they welcome in, they are voicing the spirit of Antichrist. When it is okay with Christians to love the easily lovable but drinking with the sinners can get you kicked out of the church, that is actually the spirit of Antichrist. There is also a related spirit called Another Jesus. If you have ever been around someone who says they are a Christian but it seems incongruous with everything else in their life, be suspicious that they worship Another Jesus.
Prayer of Release for the Land:
When I first started this, I had to convince people that witchcraft was real. Most thought it was just kids playing around in attics on sleepovers. I would have loved to believe this but I knew it wasn’t true. I was taught how to do small amounts of witchcraft as a young girl: water divining, palm reading, tarot, oujia boards and pendulums. There are so many forms of witchcraft but they all come down to one thing; control. Specifically, trying to control something that is not yours to control.
Prayer of Release for the Land:
Spirit of Witchcraft, I call you to attention. I come against you in the name of Jesus. I command that you will not cause any disturbance. I put a gag in your mouth. I break all agreements and contracts made with you. I cut off all cords between you and this land for miles around. I pour the blood of Jesus all over you. In Jesus name, I command you to leave this land forever. I have all authority over you in His name. He has given us all power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all power of the enemy. Nothing shall by any means hurt us. I put you under my feet right now in Jesus’ name and I stomp on you. Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world. The Lord Jesus has defeated you. He spoiled principalities and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Jesus defeated Satan himself. Demon, you are a defeated enemy. I command you to leave now in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins.
I know these do not seem to be the same thing but cursed land usually has freemasonry or pride embedded in it. It might be pride in nationality like white pride or pride in wealth, or some other kind of pride where the people who lived here believed they were better than others.
The best website for a release prayer for freemasonry is Jubilee Resources in NZ. I don’t agree with everything on this site but their prayers are excellent and thorough. If you know there was freemasonry on the land, you will need their prayers instead of this one. You may need to work through the characteristics that they list in their book to repent and renounce more thoroughly if if it very strong.
Prayer of Release for the Land (Pride):
Have you ever come out of a situation – a job or a relationship – and suddenly realized how messed up your mind was while you were in it? This is the Spirit of Mind Control. It makes rational people believe things that are dead wrong. Have you wondered if that last job was more of a cult than a profession? That’s the spirit of Mind Control.
Prayer of Release for the Land:
If you are living on land where a great battle took place, you probably are familiar with the spirit of Murder and Violence. Maybe the house you bought had a terrible history of violence or even murder. In Colorado, where I live, I find this frequently in areas outside the cities where there were massacres and attacks between Indians and white men. I am not here to take sides but the blood spilled will always cause a problem for future generations. This prayer is based on this premise. If you live in the South where the battles were very different, you will need to re-write this prayer according to the history of your land.
Prayer of Release for the Land:
It might be obvious but Death and Hades is different from Murder and Violence. A spirit of Death may join a spirit of Murder in cases of war and murder but what about sickness? Or suicide? The spirit of Death can also be associated with depression. I believe depression is an illness and that medications can really help. But I also believe there are spirits that will aggravate a physical condition. So let us at least remove that possibility!
Prayer of Release for the Land: I repent on behalf of all who welcomed Death onto this land. I repent of abortions and murders that have occurred here. I repent of suicides of the physical body and of the soul alone that have happened here. I return to you, Lord Jesus, the rights to the body and soul. I sprinkle the blood of Christ all over the gates of Death. I command you to give up all souls here in the name of Jesus.
Spirit of Death and Hades, I call you to attention. I come against you in the name of Jesus. I command that you will not cause any disturbance. I put a gag in your mouth. I break all agreements and contracts made with you. I cut off all cords between you and this land for miles around. I pour the blood of Jesus all over you. In Jesus name, I command you to leave this land forever. I have all authority over you in His name. He has given me all power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all power of the enemy. Nothing shall by any means hurt me. I put you under my feet right now in Jesus’ name and I stomp on you. Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world. The Lord Jesus has defeated you. He spoiled principalities and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Jesus defeated Satan himself. Demon, you are a defeated enemy. I command you to leave now in the name of Jesus who died for my sins.