What you might be experiencing

Hi, I’m Reny! I have been blessing houses and homes for 15 years. I have learned a ton of little tricks to get ghosts and demons out of a home. You might know you have a ghost and you might not be sure. That’s okay because blessing the house can “loosen” the spiritual hold and make actual removal a snap.  If  you are experiencing something unusual that is making you uncomfortable, let’s work together to make your home feel wonderful!  I’ve helped a lot of people that are where you are right now. Below are some of the things you may be experiencing. I am laying out these scenarios so you understand, IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!!

Just want your house blessed?

Thinking of selling? Or you just want your house blessed by someone who really knows what she is doing!



Are you hearing or seeing ghosts? Not sure?

Do I need to sell my house?

Think you need to move? Think again!


Animal Sensitivity

Does your dog whine while staring at a wall? Do your pets avoid certain rooms?


Having trouble sleeping?

Are you woken up by something? Nightmares?


What if I am not sure what is happening?

A house blessing is always a good thing! It can take care of a lot of spiritual issues all by itself. Spirits will be declared as trespassers and I will request angels to come and protect your home.


I am gay/trans. The church won't help me...

I will!! I believe in love is holy and it comes in many forms. I also believe some of us have a soul gender different than our bodies.


Objects moving?

Did you really lose your keys? Did something just fly by?


What if it's something worse?

It’s okay! If it belongs to the house or something in the house, it can be gone!

Why I am different than Mediums

Let me tell you a story. It’s about me…